Sedation Dentistry for Children

Pediatric Services

Dental Buddies of Vero Beach provides sedation dentistry in Vero Beach, FL. Call 772-226-6888 to learn more and schedule your appointment. 

We believe it’s best when children can be active participants in their dental care, but we also want to make sure that all visits to our office are positive experiences. In some cases, a mild sedative is needed in order to ease anxiety before a procedure. We’re always willing to offer laughing gas to children who need help relaxing during their appointment.

Laughing Gas

Laughing gas—also known as nitrous oxide—is a safe, mild form of dental sedation. Your child will remain awake, alert, and responsive throughout their treatment, but they’ll feel calm and comfortable.

Nitrous oxide is an inhaled form of sedation, which means it takes effect quickly and it also wears off just as fast. A small mask is placed onto your child’s nose before their procedure begins; in a few minutes, they’ll start to feel relaxed. Some patients experience sensations of heaviness or tingling in their arms and legs and feelings of lightheadedness. Rarely, patients may feel nauseated or experience sweating, chills, or headaches.

If you’re considering nitrous oxide for your child’s dental treatment, contact us at Dental Buddies to discuss whether it’s a suitable option.

Conscious Oral Sedation

Conscious oral sedation is an alternative minimal sedation that allows the patient to remain awake but relaxed. For people who fear dental procedures, conscious sedation may take away some of the anxiety. The doctor will combine the use of oral sedation along with a local anesthetic providing little to no discomfort. All patients must be accompanied by an adult driver for transportation home.

IV Sedation

Our highly qualified team of Dental professionals and anesthesiologists are trained to provide IV sedation in our office. Before administering this type of sedation, your child's doctor will discuss the benefits and risks and answer any questions you may have.

IV Sedation uses intravenous medications to allow the patient to relax during dental treatment. Your child's doctor will combine the use of IV sedation along with a local anesthetic so your child will have little to no discomfort and no memory of the procedure. During IV Sedation, our medical staff continuously monitors your child's vital signs, such as blood oxygen and heart rate.

Children with high levels of anxiety or special needs may benefit from IV Sedation. It can also be a good option for patients with extensive tooth decay or those undergoing dental surgical procedures. Following IV sedation, your child should rest at home for the rest of the day.

Frequently Asked Questions About Sedation Dentistry

Oral Conscious Sedation

We are pleased to be able to provide our patients at Dental Buddies of Vero Beach with oral conscious sedation dentistry. This type of sedation uses oral medication (sedative and analgesics) to help patients relax during dental procedures. 

Our goal is to provide services to assist patients who may have anxiety and or stress during a dental procedure or treatment. Oral sedation is one of the available methods of conscious sedation dentistry that we offer at Dental Buddies. In addition, nitrous oxide or laughing gas is available as well.

Benefits of oral conscious sedation include reduced awareness of unpleasant sights, sounds and sensations associated with the procedure along with reduced anxiety. Some patients fall asleep, but not always.

For additional information, or if you would like to schedule an oral conscious sedation consultation to see if it might be a good option for your child, please call our office at 772-226-6888.

Call 772-226-6888 to schedule your appointment.